Has BC perfected the art of Bike Parks?
Canadians sometimes struggle to really brag about our virtues. We know it’s a horrible habit, and we’re sorry about that too. Maybe there’s one thing we are bold enough to claim. As far as bike parks go, we’re crushing it.
We’re told there’s moments in life you’ll never forget; the birth of a child, or remembering where you were when humans first walked on the moon. Mountain bikers have that moment railing a perfectly crafted berm, gaining view of snow capped peaks, hearing your friend hot on the tail, yelling from behind to boost the next lip. Yea, you remember that moment don’t you? Which BC Bike Park was that at?

And then, why did you make every decision in life around that moment?

Where did you land on the same chair as your idol, and get to take a lap in the shadow of a legend?

Engineered for Airtime
The perfect place to get airborne is wherever the builders have experimented and refined jump-design more than anywhere else. BC bike parks have thousands of local, free range, hand sculpted, artisanal jumps, and they’re being re-worked just in time for our spring openings.

Converts Welcome
From rentals, to lessons to, progressive trail selection, every skill level can find the trail to compliment their existing skills, and when they’re ready, take the next pedal stroke.

You can camp in our yard
Sun Peaks, Fernie, Silver Star and Big White offer RV camping in the day-lots for fast frugal accommodation.

Daily Shuttles that take 1-3 hours at: Whistler, Fernie, Sun peaks. Charters at the other resorts.

The Numbers you Need
- Airport to Airtime: 1-3 Hours
- Jumps: 2044 and counting
- Border Crossing to Berms: 1-4 Hours
- Hotel to Hangtime: 30 seconds
- Lawn Chair to Lift: 2 Minutes
- Reading this to Planned Trip: - That’s up to you!

Bike Parks BC: Learn more
Bike Park Opening Dates:
- Whistler: May 17
- Sun Peaks: June 15
- Kicking Horse: June 21
- Silver Star: June 21
- Revelstoke: June 22 (May 31 lower mountain)
- Fernie: June 22
- Big White: June 27

Bike Parks BC, our resort partners, staff, and guests collectively live, work, and play on the unceded territories of many Indigenous Nations who have cared for this land since time immemorial.