Kootenay Trailbuilder Series
Trail building is the heart and soul of mountain biking. We owe a lot to those dedicated to creating trails that inspire us, connect us to the land, and teach us something about ourselves whether it’s our ability to meet new challenges or conquer our fears. For many of us, trails have become a necessity for our well-being and provide a respite from the demands and stress of our turbulent world.
Mountain Biking BC is proud to present a series of short films by Ryan Flett featuring the work done by trail builders in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. For some, trail building is a job, but for most, it is a passion and for many, it is what they do in their free time with the only compensation being the satisfaction of giving back to their communities and making them better places to live. Similar stories play out across British Columbia and have made the province one of the most unique places on the planet for mountain biking.
Please support the trails by joining your local mountain bike club or donating to the organizations that build and maintain the trails where you ride.
Special thanks to:
Castlegar Parks and Trails Society
Kootenay Columbia Trails Society
...and to all the other trail organizations in BC. We value your work and we need to show it. Please support the trails!